
Ridgeview ​Middle​ ​School​ ​Attendance​ ​Office


Online Absence Reporting Link


Attendance Information

  • Students can enter the building at 7:45 a.m.
  • Classes begin at 8:15 a.m.
  • Official attendance taking time (ADA Average daily attendance): 9:30 am.
  • Dismissal is at 3:35 p.m.

Attendance is taken 8 times a day during the first minutes of every class. A student who arrives during the first 10 minutes after the class started is marked as tardy.  According to the Student-Parent Handbook, a student who is more than 10 minutes late to any class will be considered absent

Attendance Error Question?

If you find your student’s attendance is in error, please go to Home Access Center and hover over the date in question. In a few seconds, it will show you the period (Ex: 01, 02 etc.) in which the teacher marked your student absent. Please email the teacher directly to inquire about the absence.

Please do not contact the Attendance Office as she cannot change any attendance. Corrections must come from the teacher of record. When the attendance office receives an email correction from the teacher, the attendance will be corrected.

Setting up HAC account for the first time

Reporting an Absence

A parent, or legal guardian, must provide an explanation for any absence upon the student’s arrival or return to school. The student’s parent or guardian must communicate with the school the reason for the student’s absence through a written note signed by the parent or guardian, phone call, email, or through online absence reporting. This communication must be received by the school within five days of the student’s return to school.

A note signed by the student will not be accepted unless the student is age 18 or older or is an emancipated minor under state law.

The campus will document in its attendance records whether the absence is excused or unexcused.

Note: The district is not required to excuse any absence, even if the parent provides a note explaining the absence, unless the absence is an exemption under compulsory attendance laws.

Please email me directly at to report an absence.  Please have the student’s full name, date of absence and reason for absence on note/email.  This email can be used as a parent note to excuse the absence. All notes must be submitted within 5 days of the student’s return to school. Any notes received after the return window will be noted in the system but no changes will be made to the student’s attendance 

Round Rock ISD central office manages an automated call system to contact parents for all absences, including partial day absences. No follow-up is required if you have already notified the office of the absence.  Please allow time for teachers and our Attendance Specialist to correct the attendance. Updates will be made as soon as possible, but may take up to 3 – 5 school days to be completed.

Please ensure all parent and/or doctor notes include the specific date(s) your child is absent and the reason for each date of the absence.

Notes or emails to teachers are not usually forwarded to the Attendance office, please be sure to add to your emails.

Absences and Notifications

We are going to correct your student’s absence if the report states a reason included in the RRISD Attendance Policy and if the report was submitted the date of absence OR WITHIN 5 DAYS of the student returning to schoolPlease remember to include the following in all attendance emails/notes:

  1. Student name (legal first/last):
  2. Student ID:
  3. Reason for the absence:
  4. Date(s) of absence:

RRISD Attendance Policy allows for the following absences to be excused: students’ personal illness, death of an immediate family member (parent, sibling, grandparent, or a member of the household), or school-related events considered a RRISD sponsored activity.

Other absences that have been submitted with necessary documentation are evaluated individually to determine if they are eligible to be coded differently, such as religious holidays for example. More information can be found in the absence and attendance section in the District’s Student-Parent Handbook.

An excuse from a doctor’s office is required for absences of more than 5 consecutive days. The doctor’s note needs to state the days your student was absent OR needs to be absent.

A student with a mental health or substance abuse condition who is being treated for a serious illness (TEC, §25.087(b)(3)) in an outpatient day treatment program or partial hospitalization program, under the care of a healthcare professional licensed, certified, or registered to practice in Texas, shall be excused for the authorized treatment period, and shall not be withdrawn from school.

We require the discharge summary from the outpatient day treatment or partial hospitalization program. This must include treatment admission and discharge dates to be provided to the school by the family upon return to school as documentation to excuse absences for the duration of the authorized outpatient treatment plan or partial hospitalization.

Partial Day Absences /Medical Appointments

Partial day absences due to medical appointments are excused when the student is in attendance for the remainder of the school day. A school excuse from the doctor’s office is required as well as sign-in/out at our front desk.

Students picked up from the clinic

If/When the nurse calls and states your child MUST be taken home – any classes missed on that date will be considered as excused.  Any subsequent days missed will require a parent, or doctor note to be excused.

If your child or the nurse calls from the clinic and you choose to take them home – a note is required to excuse any classes missed.

Arriving Late to School

Sign-in at the front office is required for all students who arrive late to school. The student should bring a parent’s note explaining the reason for arriving late OR a school excuse from a doctor’s office in order to excuse this absence.

It is important for you to know that the paper sign in/out sheets located at the Front Office are not used to report absences, just to have a record with information about when a student is signed in/out from school.

Leaving School Early

A parent or guardian must be present to sign out students who leave campus during school hours. A parent/guardian photo ID, signature, and the reason for leaving are required. Please allow 10-15 minutes for sign-out procedures. Due to traffic congestion and time constraints, no early releases will be processed after 3:15 pm; this allows us time to call your student to the front, while preserving safety for all as we are nearing student release at 3:35pm.

During school hours, students may be released to parents or legal guardians only, unless written authorization is provided. Written permission should include the full name of the person authorized (must match the name on Photo ID), the student’s full name, the date and reason for leaving, and the parent’s telephone numbers. Older siblings sent to pick up a student must also have written permission from their parents, even if they are already listed as an emergency contact. A photo ID will be required in both cases.

Attendance and Student Success

The State of Texas mandates a process for truancy prevention, beginning when a student has three partial days OR three whole days with unexcused absences within four weeks. If this happens, RRISD automatically identifies these absences and parents will be receiving a letter called truancy warning notice in the mail.  Truancy is a failure to attend school on 10 or more days within a six-month period in the same school year. RRISD will contact parents in those cases. If you need more information, please visit this link.