

Tardy Policy:

Students’ attendance in each class is vital to their educational success.  Students who enter class after the bell rings are tardy. If a student enters after the first 10 minutes of class they are counted as unexcused absence. Tardy consequences are as follows:

  • 1st Tardy: Warning by teacher
  • 2nd Tardy: Warning by teacher
  • 3rd Tardy: Teacher calls home and lunch detention.
  • 4th Tardy: Teacher calls home and after school detention.
  • 5th Tardy: Teacher calls home and after school detention.
  • 6th Tardy (or more): Behavior Referral and consequences given by administration

Cell Phone Policy:

Expectation for students is that they will put their cells on silent and in their backpacks starting at 7:45am. If parents need to get a message to their students please call the front office 512-424-8400 and the message will be delivered to your student.

Consequences for not following the cell phone policy are as follows:

  • 1st time: Warning
  • 2nd time: Parent Pick up
  • 3rd time: Parent Pick up
  • 4th time: Parent Pick up and meeting with Assistant Principal.